Mental Health Awareness

Hello and welcome back,

Some of you might already know this but May is mental health awareness month. On my blog I talk about mental health often, because it matters to me. Nobody should struggle alone. Now you might think okay a month dedicated to mental health. But what can I do? Let me share with you things you can do to raise awareness.

1. Talk with people you know

Start a lowkey confersation about mental health with your family, friends and co-workers. Ask how they are doing and really take the time to listen. And if you hear that they feel low or depressed, etc you can point them towards the right resources to get better.

2. Share your experience

I myself struggle with my mental health from time to time. And I share my story, so that others might feel it is okey to talk about. Hearing that someone goes through something simular as you can be a relief. Or the last push somebody needs to ask for help.

3. Aducate yourself

It happens so very often that a mental ilness is misonderstood. Try your best to educate yourself on the topic. For example you hear a friend struggling with a mental illness you never heard about but want to support them. Do the research about it. Make a list with things you found and if you still feel like you have question. Go to your friend and tell them you have looked their illness up, but want to discuss with them how it is for them and that you have a few questions.

4. Volenteer

If you want to help your local community and really have an impact on the lives of people. Look for a local organisation that is centered around mental help. For example things like a buddy program in which you help someone get there life back together or be a support.

5. Healthy habits

Advocate on healthy habbits. There is a coralation between fysical health and mental health. When you try and improve your fysical health by eating healthy and exercising, this can also improve your mental health. Help those around you who struggle with healthy eating and exercising, encurage them or do the hard work together with them.

Be kind to each other, because you never know what someone is struggling with. Let me know in the comments how you can help to create awareness around mental health.

Till next time.



Setbacks don’t equal failure.

You are allowed to set boundaries.

You are more than an illness.

It is okay to rest.

Not everything you think is true.”

— Miss Mental

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