Memories linked to different smells

Hello and welcome back!

Today I want to share the first of many of this new blog post format. I personally use essential oils in a diffuser at home a lot and today I want to share the first of my DIY diffuser blends.

For me, different smells are linked to different memories. Just a smell can take me back to a sudden forgotten memory or a place I’ve visited. As some of you might know I talk a lot about my mental health on here, the good the bad, and the different coping skills I’ve learned. Today I want to add something to that list. For me, essential oil helps me to stay more grounded and be more intuned with myself. I hope that my essential oil recipes might inspire you to also try them out. Maybe they can help you in your life as well. They are not like a fix it all. Let me that be clear! They can however help me with my emotions and moods by creating the right types of atmospheres at home.

Diffuser blend recipe

Today’s blend is a warm, grounded diffuser blend.

🌿 2 drops of doterra Balanced oil blend

🌿 2 drops of Wild orange oil

🌿 1 drop of Eucalyptus oil

I named this blend Cozy corner, cause that is truly what it reminds me of. Because of the warmth from the Wild Orange and the different types of wood in the Balanced blend and the Eucalyptus helps me to relax. I like to use this in my diffuser when I’m working from home and want to create a comfortable atmosphere without too much stress.

Have you ever used a diffuser at home? And what is a smell you have linked to a memory? Let me know in the comments and let’s get this conversation started.
Till next time,


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54 thoughts on “Memories linked to different smells

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      1. Im just really mentally tired. And my work load for school is almost too much for me. It’s going be a hell the next 8 weeks.
        Not enough time and a lot to do. So my planning is during the day most days school. Even on free days. And weekends so tired I sleep a lot.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. 😂
        We have something in common.
        It’s been raining for like the last 3 days here. Sometimes like a big rain storm. Other times very softly. But almost all day rain. And grey skies.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Similar backgrounds. Similar experiences. Similar feelings. A lot more.. I’m just old and male lol!!

        Liked by 1 person

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